Learning by Doing
The Pacific NW is on the forefront of developing bioenergy as a sustainable energy option. These immerging technologies require students have a broader knowledge of many sectors including forestry, engineering, chemistry, and biology. The SMILE program is leading this effort with middle and high school students. By training teachers and creating lessons and activities that teach students how they can make a difference in this growing energy picture through science, research, and inquiry.
The bioenergy curricula and activities are designed, tested and presented to teachers for professional development, after-school SMILE clubs, and a Summer Bridge Into College program for first-year students entering Oregon State University.
Learning Outcomes
Next Generation Science Standards
SMILE - Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences - The SMILE Program provides learning opportunities in the fields of science and math to underrepresented and educationally underserved students. Students from grades four through twelve participate in hands-on activities that inspire student success.
Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest (AHB)
Funding Support
This educational program is part of Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest (AHB) and is supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. 2011-68005-30407 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
This regional biofuels project is a USDA-funded consortium for biofuels development. It is led by the University of Washington and involves partners in research, industry, extension and education. AHB’s goal is to develop a 100% compatible-with-existing-infrastructure biofuels industry in the Pacific Northwest by 2015 -- using FSC-certified poplars as the feedstock.